  • Welcome Sparklers!

  • Module 1: Realization

  • Module 2: Singularity

  • Module 3: Persistence

  • Module 4: Advocates

  • Module 5: Resources

  • Module 6: Knowledge

  • Module 7: Game Plan

The SPARK Course: 7 Tremendous Modules

  • What is SPARK about?

  • What's the SPARK Course all about?

  • What does SPARK stand for?

  • Is SPARK (the book and the course) for everyone?

  • Is there homework in the SPARK course?

  • How many weeks is the interactive SPARK course?

  • Will this book help me achieve greater success in my career?

  • Can this book help me accomplish my personal goals & dreams?

  • Where can I find SPARK?

  • Where can I find the SPARK course?

  • How much does the book cost?

  • Is there a SPARK audio book available and how much does it cost?

  • Is the SPARK book available on kindle?

  • Is Tracey available to speak with me about my goals?

  • Does the SPARK course and readers have a Facebook group?