It’s Never too Early to Start Developing Your Future Employees


Stages of Reader

 I spent a large portion of my childhood accompanying my father on his business trips. I listened to speakers such as Zig Ziglar and Norman Vincent Peale, handled money transactions during the back of the room book sales, honed my emotional intelligence skills dealing with customers, and saw how books can make you a better kid who then becomes a tremendous adult.

Tracey, pups of publishing, and kids

 Today’s organizations work hard to provide continuing education and camaraderie experiences for their employees. I had the honor of connecting with the UTZ Women’s Mentoring Group at a keynote last year. This speech led to an invitation to speak at their Women’s Leadership Forum in May, and to share our newest release, Pawsitive Purrsonality Plus, at their Family Fun night in October.

 In attendance were parents, grandparents, and kids of all ages. The Pups of Tracey with future leadersPublishing (aka Furrsome Foursome) shared how young people can become better students, better siblings, better friends, and how their personality is going to be the single most significant factor to their success in life.  Watching these youngsters see and hear the importance of developing an attitude of positivity and resilience took me back to my childhood. I listened to these timeless truths for years, decades even. Reflecting back, this exposure to empowerment and the repeated, simple fact that I can change things in my life for the better, laid the foundation for the decades to come.

 Interested in bringing the Pups of Publishing to your organization, school, non-profit, or ministry? Contact us today! The seeds we plant today in the mind of our youngsters are the fruits of a tremendous tomorrow. It’s never too early to start developing your future employees!! Click here to find out more!!
                                    Two Pups of Publishing laying down





AgreeablenessBehaviorsBig fiveBullyingCharacter developmentChildrenChildren's booksConscientiousnessDoterraExtraversionLeadershipNegativityOpennessPersonal developmentPersonalityPositivityTracey jonesYouth leadership

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