You must drink the milk of scripture, and eat the meat of its application, in order to develop and mature your new nature.
News and Media Coverage

Charlie Featured in Summit Tribune Article
Charlie Tremendous Jones had a special way of directing each day. Before getting out of bed, he would throw his legs over the side, sit upright on the edge, thrust his hands into the air and shout, “I feel happy. I feel healthy. I feel terrific!”

Tracey featured on The Dave Pamah show
The Dave Pamah show seeks to revive, restore, awaken and reform your innermost capabilities. Dave connects you to a whole new view of the world, through the pockets of experiences from great minds who have thrived and toiled and have been able to see the world’s true beauty.
Life is so much more, beneath the surface. And Dave’s is passionate about helping you see life in its grand form. From life’s little problems to business success tips, politics and the world’s biggest challenges, Dave wishes to awaken in you the drive to succeed.
Dave Pamah’s show brings to you, explosive insights, fascinating tips, captivating interviews, mind-blowing discussions, unusual conversations and just about everything that focused on you.

Readers are Leaders blog post quoting Charlie "Tremendous" Jones

A Tremendous Accomplishment Article

Charlie "Tremendous" Jones and His Two Word Secret

Building Better Boards & Leading by Example Article

See Tracey in this podcast with The Our Shawn, featuring Shawn McBride and George Hendley
Watch and Listen as they talk about building teams of influence!
Learn more about each speaker here:

Advice from Tracey Jones included in Insurance News Net Magazine

The Lasting Impact of a Charlie "Tremendous" Jones Cassette Tape

Brian Buffini on 'The Advantages of Poverty'

Women’s Business Bridge Conference will ‘Celebrate You!’ on May 22
The Connect, Learn, and Grow Business Conference, hosted by the Women's Business Bridge, will open with Tracey C. Jones speaking on Igniting Greatness Within.
For more information or to register:

John Pearson Reviews "Protected" by Bob Kelly

Tremendous still impacts lives, according to Gregory Bradley
This article is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to realizing just how tremendous Charlie "Tremendous" Jones was, and how much of an impact he still has on people and their lives today.
...The Tremendous Legacy lives on...

The Key To Self-Efficacy
"Self-efficacy is an inside job. It is all about developing your inner terrain so you can deliver better outer performance."
- Tracey C. Jones
The Key To Self-Efficacy
The PAHCOM Journal, July/August 2018