SOB or ESP: What's Your Communication Style?

SOB or ESP: What's Your Communication Style?

Tracey Jones

An excerpt by Tracey C. Jones in, Sell Yourself Without Saying a Word - The Experts Guide to Placing Articles in Print and Online, by Russell Trahan.

Tracey gets to the heart of communication, and how the way you dialogue plays a very important role in getting your point across in a respectful and influential manner. 

You can purchase it on Amazon Here

Tracey as a Main Character

Tracey as a Main Character

Tracey Jones

Mission Next - An Inspirational Story, By Phil Randazzo, with Michael Fragnito.

In this title, Tracey C. Jones is a subject of a novel for vetrepreneurs. You guessed it, an entrepreneur who is also a veteran of the military. She is a character in the novel to help others do the same - become successful business leaders.

You can purchase this book and read about Tracey through Amazon, Here 

A Message To Millennials by Tracey Jones

A Message To Millennials by Tracey Jones

Tracey Jones
Millennial and Bestselling Author Sania Jamil interviews Tracey C. Jones about her book 'A Message to Millennials: What your parents didn't tell you and your employer needs you to know. Purchase your Audible copy on Amazon today.
Down-to-earth career advice for millennials—and everybody else

Down-to-earth career advice for millennials—and everybody else

CheckSum Technologies LLC Collaborator
Millennials have outnumbered every previous generation in the U.S. workforce for a couple of years now, and all 53.5 million have at least one thing in common, says author Tracey C. Jones: They’re hungry for career advice and encouragement.
Engaging Employees in the Age of Millennials

Engaging Employees in the Age of Millennials

CheckSum Technologies LLC Collaborator
Tracey Jones appears on Partner in Success Radio.
News Radio 910 WSBA

News Radio 910 WSBA

CheckSum Technologies LLC Collaborator
Tracey talks with Gary Sutton on News Radio 910 WSBA.
Frankie Boyer Show Appearance

Frankie Boyer Show Appearance

CheckSum Technologies LLC Collaborator
Tracey appears on the Frankie Boyer Show.
The Hidden Realities of the Universe & Dealing With the Workplace Bully

The Hidden Realities of the Universe & Dealing With the Workplace Bully

CheckSum Technologies LLC Collaborator
Tracey Jones gets featured in Something You Should Know.
The Women's Watch

The Women's Watch

Tracey Jones
Tracey Jones gets a shout out on The Women's Watch.
Dear Millennials, Here Is What Your Boss Needs You to Know

Dear Millennials, Here Is What Your Boss Needs You to Know

Tracey Jones
Tracey gives her message to millennials in Recruiter.

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