The Pack of Humanity
I spent last week in the country of Kosovo teaching at a leadership academy in Mitrovica. The students at the Kosovo Leadership Academy were primarily Albanian, with excellent English speaking skills, aged 6th to 11th grades. We met in a combined classroom from 8:15 to noon for four days. The group comprised close to 90 students.
We spent time taking personality tests and discovering ways to shift our thoughts and behaviors in ways that would be of benefit not just to ourselves, but those around us. We took "dares" where we mapped out physical, mental, social, and communal goals so we could reach better versions of ourselves. We learned about followership styles and took a test to see what type of leader we’d function best under. Lastly, we learned how to create a goal sheet and set for the target activities and timelines so we could finish the year strong.
It was one of the most transformative weeks of my life. We also discussed the country’s environmental issues and what we could do about the situation. Kosovo is a relatively new country with incredible potential. The people and topography are lovely. The macchiatos are to die for! But, there are two areas that need addressing. The amount of litter/garbage everywhere and the plight of the dogs who feed off of the trash.

What better way to unite the pack of humanity than to take this newest generation of leaders and put them to work writing a book to heighten awareness of the situation! And of course, the students were excited to use the plight of the sanitation issues as seen through the eyes and nose of a street dog. We’ll keep you posted on this first ever project as we work together with the students to craft a book designed to make the changes needed in the area.
I was asked if I could transport one of the street pups back with me for adoption into the states and of course, I replied yes. Little did I know how in love I would fall with this brilliant little fur angel. She has since found her forever home in Annapolis and I’m sure she’ll be a part of changing the world one dog at a time. So once again, books, youth, leadership, literacy, and pups combine in a way that just brings me close to Heaven on Earth.

Thanks for subscribing to 4-Legged Fridays. In a world full of trashy news, trashy attitudes, and trashy talk, I promise you on the most edifying and inspiring kibble for your bowl of life. We can be and are, the change we need to see in the world. Happy Tails!!!
BooksDogsFollowershipPersonality developmentPositivity

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