Charlie Featured in Summit Tribune Article

Charlie Featured in Summit Tribune Article

Tracey Jones

You must drink the milk of scripture, and eat the meat of its application, in order to develop and mature your new nature.

Charlie Tremendous Jones had a special way of directing each day. Before getting out of bed, he would throw his legs over the side, sit upright on the edge, thrust his hands into the air and shout, “I feel happy. I feel healthy. I feel terrific!”

A Tremendous Accomplishment Article

A Tremendous Accomplishment Article

Tracey Jones
When Lancaster Bible College (LBC) graduated more than 160 students on Dec. 13, 2019, Tracey Jones, who had earned her doctorate in leadership, was among them. Jones, daughter of Charlie "Tremendous" Jones and his wife, Gloria, is no stranger to LBC, but she was not an alumna ... until now.
Charlie "Tremendous" Jones and His Two Word Secret

Charlie "Tremendous" Jones and His Two Word Secret

Tracey Jones
Read about giving thanks for the hard work you do, with a memorable quote from Charlie "Tremendous" Jones.
The Lasting Impact of a Charlie "Tremendous" Jones Cassette Tape

The Lasting Impact of a Charlie "Tremendous" Jones Cassette Tape

Tracey Jones
Willie Jolley shares the influence of a gifted cassette tape, and the drastic change it started in his life.
Joe Sherren: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Joe Sherren: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

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