The Fourth of July. A time when we celebrate our independence as a nation. It is a time for us to celebrate our patriotism, our freedom from oppression, and our love of all things individual. Our freedom and our democracy with which we have been blessed are direct products of the sheer determination of our forefathers who worked to establish the United States of America as a free country. jeanlucpicardborg1Freedom of choice? We have a choice to be wealthy or poor. We have the choice to live a healthy lifestyle or an unhealthy one. We have a choice to be agnostic or religious. We each have every opportunity to live our lives as we see fit. Equal opportunity does not guarantee equal outcome. Those who achieve more are vilified, unless they are in sports or the entertainment industry. If you have ever run a business and not had to fire someone, lay someone off, or get hauled to  court, I’m not sure you even showed up for work. Are we even in the business of celebrating the individual? Seems anybody that is different than what we think, what we earn, and what we look like is the enemy. Differences have come to reflect “evil”. We are less united as a nation; partisan politics has made our common bond a distant memory. I can remember the first time I saw the Borg on Star Trek: The Next Generation. It still scares the bejesus out of me, the thought of a huge hive where any bit of individualism has been assimilated into one collective consciousness. But as we give our individual freedoms to a collective bureaucracy, this is exactly what is happening to us. dont-differ-from-me1Free to disagree? I shied away from the debate club as a teen because I could never vehemently argue one side of an argument. I could always see the other person’s point of view. F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” If you listen to the news, or read the blogs, we have no first-rate minds. And they definitely don’t want you to have a first-rate mind either. You can tell by the tone and spin in their “investigative” journalism. That’s not news, that’s entertainment. Have a different set of morals than me? I’ll coil up and bite you by spreading venomous lies and hissing vulgarities about you. I’ll make you and your family a parody on comedy sketches so everyone can laugh at how ignorant you are. And yet we are busy wringing our hands over the escalating problem of childhood bullying, refusing to acknowledge that they are direct reflections of the adults in, or out, of their lives. I used to love the days when I could carry on a discussion with someone who had a completely different viewpoint than myself without it degenerating into snide tones, and unsubstantiated quips. Don’t agree with me? You must be phobic, an idiot, a pathetic loser, or just a jackass. Sounds real grown up, doesn’t it? religious-intoleranceDo we have to tolerate fools gladly? During my time in the military, I lived in many different countries. There are governments that do not respect individual freedoms, liberties, or the basic equalities that we take for granted in America. I, like every other service member, took an oath to defend these rights against all enemies, foreign and domestic. With the influx of foreign nationals into our country, we see that some of these intolerances have made their way onto our soil. Some groups demand that we respect their laws and religious ideals, but refuse to respect those of others. Their way is the only way so your freedom of choice is dictated by them.  Ayaan Hirsi Ali said, “Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.” Tolerating others’ injustices to basic human rights isn’t respecting another nation’s sovereignty or religious beliefs, it’s just wrong. This Fourth of July remember, while we are still free to do so, that we truly must live free or die; that if we’re all thinking alike, nobody is thinking; and that suffering fools gladly is madness.
Civil discourseCivilityDebateDifferencesDisagreementFourth of julyFreedomIntolerancePartisanPolarizingPoliticsThinkingToleranceUncategorized


Mark Armstrong

Mark Armstrong

Brilliant, Tracey. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen this much common sense in one place. Well, at least since your last blog post… : )

I’m tempted to say it should be required reading, but I’d probably be denounced for violating people’s right to have a closed mind… : (

The Borg— yeah! My hair stood on end for a couple of weeks after watching that Part 1 cliffhanger! It never dawned on me how closely the Borg paralleled our modern day collectives. You’re either in one camp or the other: Left Borg, or Right Borg. And if you’re not, you will be assimilated!!

Your point about comedy sketches skewering and ridiculing those with the “wrong” beliefs was oh so painfully true. If there’s a single thing that best encapsulates hate and fear of “the other” nowadays, it’s gotta be that: brutal, sadistic, obscenity-laced “comedy.” I don’t think it’s a coincidence that as freedom has become devalued, so has comedy. Freedom is a threat, comedy becomes a weapon to attack those who think differently.

And you’re right: tolerating the beliefs of others when they refuse to tolerate yours, is the ultimate absurdity.

Wonderful post, thanks for saying some things that really needed to be said. You clearly have a first-rate mind!!! : )



Thanks so much Mark! You comment about comedy becoming devalued is a great way to say it. I used to love watching all the sketch comedy, but it has become so vicious. Here’s to not being assimilated and always striving for that first-rate mind:-)

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