are you slacktose intolerant?

Offer the lazy an egg, and they’ll want you to peel it for them. – A Proverb Slacktose intolerance, also called loserphobia and hypomalaisa, is the...


Last week I posted a picture that launched an F-categorySnarknado. I shared the life-altering tale of how my father sequestered all the televisions...

x marks the spot

Why do so many people try to hold us back from moving forward in our lives? Didn’t we all learn early in life that we should celebrate the successe...

all i want for christmas is a purpose in life

Mark Twain said the two greatest days in a person’s life are the day they’re born and the day they find out why. Seeing as the first day happens re...

the kids are alright

With so much lamentation about the youth of today, it was encouraging to experience a fresh perspective on our future leaders, one that will restor...

It’s not me; it’s you…or is it me???

Tracey Jones
Self-Awareness is a Paradox. The more of it you have, the more you realize how little you actually possess. It’s like the guy who tried to be tact...

The Mystery of Self-Motivation

Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you’ll understand what little chance you have of trying to change others. My father, Charlie “Tremen...

that’s gonna leave a mark

Denise Griffitts
The natural growth of a leader is from doer to developer. But it is so rarely put in these terms. Those that are good as individual contributors ar...

full of knowledge or just full of it?

As a publisher and personal-development enthusiast, I hear varied opinions about the influence of reading such material. Much to my surprise, I had...

It Doesn't Have to Be Hell to Sell

[caption id="attachment_1403" align="alignleft" width="300"] Making the leap from service to sales doesn’t have to be terrifying.[/caption] The ma...

Acrimoniously Yours

There’s nastiness on the tips of everyone’s tongues. Our language is more blatantly bitter, decidedly divisive, and our mouths runneth over with ha...

Restoration Hardware: A Book

We live in a world that withers us. My father used to say, “My problem isn’t keeping myself motivated, it’s trying to keep other people from demoti...

does your business need a little TLC?

A little TLC can grow a business big!! Tremendous Life Books is excited to unveil our newest program, the Tremendous Leaders Circle, offering busin...

houston, we have a puppy

[caption id="attachment_1411" align="alignleft" width="300"] Roscoe Jones, Chief Barketing Officer at Tremendous Life Books.[/caption] On June 14t...

book girl

  [caption id="attachment_1413" align="alignleft" width="169"] A tribute to Charlie “Tremendous” Jones from the sales force at Southwestern.[/capt...

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