The winter holidays are a time to reflect. Christmas orients you back to the past, reliving childhood memories, events, and personal interactions. New Years turns you toward the future, determining things you resolve to change in the coming year. To some, the holidays are depressing because they bring constant reminders that we are left with less of what we once had. The song “Blue Christmas” has become the melancholy ballad for heartbreak, loss, and unrequited love during the holiday season. But this does not have to be the case. Loss is an integral part of life. Every single breathing person has suffered some type of loss; loss of a marriage, a job, a pet, a parent, a child, trust, faith, finances, or friends. That is a part of life 365 days a year, not just at Christmas time. The sooner I learn to keep dancing when it’s raining, the better off I’ll be. As long as I equate my present self worth or state of mind with what I no longer have, I’ll be blue all year long. If it’s painful enough to make you still cry tears of sorrow, be glad it’s over and in the past. But the moment I consider all the things I have to be thankful for, I’m content and at peace. If it’s meaningful enough to still make you cry tears of joy, be glad it’ll always be a part of your life.


Tony Michalski

Tony Michalski

Hi Tracey!

I wish you a VERY blue Christmas … A MR. BLUE Christmas! :-)

All the BEST!

Have fun … Tony.

Mike Sparrow

Mike Sparrow

Great ideas Tracey, and as mentioned, some memorable lines. Thanks for a great year of friendship and challenge. Have a blessed Christmas!

Dennis Baker

Dennis Baker

Merry Christmas to you and yours Tracey. Thanks for all of your support this year.


John Sligh

John Sligh


I like your comment about being thankful for what you have, another way of saying count your blessings. Your quote, “The sooner I learn to keep dancing when it’s raining, the better off I’ll be” is memorable and will help keep me focused on the positive.

Keep up the good work.


John at GoSellGo

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