I am a happy person by nature. I am also strong and tolerant. That means I tend to attract those who are, as well as those who are not. Unfortunately, on planet Earth, the latter outnumber the former, so you do the math. While some people create drama, my life seemed destined to attract it.
I became aware of this as a young girl when my father called me a “weirdo magnet.” So, after a half century of hearing thousands of bitches, complaints, whines, and excuses, I am turning that channel off. I am finally free to be me, and just in time for Independence Day!!
Freedom from everyone’s expectations!
I am free because I am finally doing exactly what I should with my life. No more chasing other people’s ideas of what a good job is, no more going into jobs to fix what others should have corrected years ago. Why, even my father didn’t ask me to come back and run the family business on his death bed. He knew it had to be my choice alone. I also no longer expect bosses to be fair and ethical. I know that, while there are some who are, there are many more who aren’t. I no longer have to deal with them. I am free to make as much money as I want to give to organizations that I know will make the world a better place.
Freedom from everyone’s drama!
I am free because I no longer allow myself to engage in drama with others, including family members. I just give the old stormtrooper’s wave-off, “Move along, nothing to listen to here.” This may seem harsh, but the true cruelty is when you allow people to continuously wallow in their own self pity and poor self esteem. It’s like the old Nik Kershaw song, “You gotta be cruel to be kind in the right measure.” Emotional vampires don’t care about getting advice from you; they just want to suck the life out of you. Pull out the garlic cloves and holy water and tell them to be gone!!
Freedom from everyone’s manipulation!
I am free because I am true to myself and my beliefs. I don’t get drawn into arguments anymore. I don’t fall prey to subtle forms of manipulation such as false praise or subtle digs. I follow my principles even if they are unpopular, or they cost me a neighbor, an author, a boyfriend, or even a family member. We all die alone and in the end, the only person we have to answer to is God. Don’t believe? Then don’t you worry about it. And don’t try and bring me down because I have faith and you don’t.
You know you’re on the right track when you’re uninterested in looking back. The quieter you become the more you can hear. Know what you believe, and why you believe what you believe, so you can get to the heart of what believing is really all about.
Sean Michael Kelly (@TheLdrshipGeek)
I’ve reached the same conclusions recently, Tracey. It all sounds strikingly familiar!
Freedom indeed!!
You and me both brother!! Here’s to tremendous freedom!
Mark Armstrong
Looking for a great 4th Of July post, folks? Look no further— this is it!!
Somewhere along the line, Pope John Paul II defined true freedom as the freedom to do the right thing. I think you just defined it the same way, Tracey, but in a pithier and more pointed way! Amen to both definitions!!
Happy Fourth, and thanks as always for your good influence. Now I’m off to add garlic cloves and holy water to my shopping list… : )
Happy 4th to you Mark, my freedom loving and self actualized brother!! Wow, to be mentioned in comments along with the Pope is one tremendous blessing. But that’s exactly what you are to me:-)