Heavenly Hound Goes Home

In memory of a once in a lifetime companion Mr. Blue April 1st, 2001 – June 14th, 2014 In memory of a once in a lifetime companion
Mr. Blue April 1st, 2001 – June 14th, 2014

Mr. Blue triumphantly crossed the Rainbow Bridge after a ten month fight with lymphoma. Mr. Blue was born in a field somewhere in Austin, Texas in April 2001. A dog about the world, Mr. Blue also claimed Saint Louis, MO and Boiling Springs, PA as his homes. He was one of 11 puppies and found his soul mom when he was just five weeks old. A self blue merle, Mr. Blue was an Australian Shepherd Basset mix who exhibited the best of both breeds. He was active and alert, yet soulful and reflective. Mr. Blue had a distinctive swagger and many people commented that they didn’t know if he was cuter coming or going.

Mr. BlueMr. Blue honed his social skills by running the fields of Dogs Boys Dog Ranch in Austin, TX. He never met a stranger, except for that one dog that bit him on the nose his first day of doggie daycare. Always the kind heart, Mr. Blue immediately forgave him and did not let this influence his outlook on life. Full of hound wisdom and eager to share Mr. Blue went on to paw two literary masterpieces, True Blue Leadership: Top 10 Tricks From the Chief Motivational Hound and From Underdog to Wonderdog: Top Ten Ways to Lead Your Pack.  Not only a best smelling pawthor, he spoke to thousands of kids in elementary schools encouraging them to always be kind, respectful , thankful and continuous learners. It is estimated that the number of licks he freely dispensed was in the hundreds of thousands, and by some estimates, in the millions.

Mr. Blue also spoke to hundreds of adults in various settings encouraging them to be True Blue Leader he knew they could. He was awarded an honorary dogtorate of canine letters from Central Penn College in September of 2012. A tireless supporter of rescues and fosters, Mr. Blue worked hard to raise awareness and funds for many tremendous groups in hopes other animals could find their furever homes and have a pawsitive life. Mr. Blue also had a soft spot for cats and other dogs and freely opened up his home to numerous other rescues after being an only child for ten years.

As the Chief Motivational Hound at Tremendous Leadership, Mr. Blue led the way in changing the world one book, and one bark at a time. We are honored and humbled to carry on the legacy he started. Mr. Blue is survived by his mother, Tracey Jones, dog siblings, Ruby Red, Indigo and Roscoe, and cat siblings, Prince William of Orange, Willow and Rain. His gentle, velvet paw, leadership and unconditional love have left a mark on many lives and will be remembered in the years to come. He ran this race with a giving heart and finished strong. May we all be the True Blue Leaders and Wonderdogs he inspired us to be! We love and miss you Mr. Blue and thank God for giving you to us!

Canine cancerCanine companionshipFrom underdog to wonderdogLoss of a dogLoss of a petLymphoma in dogsMr. bluePet eulogyPet griefSoul dogTremendous life booksTrue blue leadershipUncategorized


Mark Armstrong

Mark Armstrong

There’s many a human who’d like to go out with an obit like that. Would that we could all say we’d left the world a much better place.

I’ve lost track of the photos you’ve posted, showing Mr. Blue surrounded with adoring school kids, who obviously were captivated by him and his uplifting message. What a legacy: shepherding young and impressionable kids down the right path.

I’m deeply sorry for your loss, Tracey, and I thank you for sharing the story of Blue’s courageous struggle. Your faith and upbeat attitude, and your strong belief that all will come right in the end were every bit as inspiring as Mr. Blue’s gallant fight and graceful exit.

Great post— thanks.



Thanks Mark, that means a great deal. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through and it has left a huge piece of my life empty. But we continue the legacy started and keep the memory alive. Taking it one day at a time and feeling all the prayers of support coming my way. Here’s the the faith and hope of greater thing to come that keeps us going!

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