Fifteen Years Later: Reflecting on God's Unique Path for Tremendous Leadership

When I left the corporate world fifteen years ago and returned home on January 9th, 2009, to lead a small, second-generation business, I connected with several other entrepreneurs who embarked on similar journeys at the same time. Over the years, I've witnessed their explosive growth, reaching millions of dollars in revenue. I’ve also witnessed some of my fellow entrepreneurs who have had to close their businesses. At times, I've found myself questioning God: Why do some prosper while others do not, including myself? I know what God called me here to do, so what am I missing? Am I acting with the wrong motives? Could my enterprise also fail? And if that's His will, why am I troubled by it?

Theodore Roosevelt once wisely said, "Comparison is the thief of joy." The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, reminds us, "Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else" (6:4).

The reality is that God is perfectly just. He blesses us according to His judgment and determination, not based on what we can do for Him. Our achievements do not factor into His judgment; instead, He examines our intentions. God knows precisely what we can handle and when we can handle it, whether it's experiencing explosive growth, following a slower path, or closing up shop. Regardless of the pace, it is perfect for us. Keeping this truth in mind will help us remain focused on what God has provided and entrusted to us, rather than dwelling on why we haven't reaped as others have or haven't.

So, why does God allow both good and bad outcomes, prospering businesses, and those that fail? Here are a few key points to remember:

  • First, God's ways are higher than ours; He's God, and we will never fully comprehend His mysteries this side of heaven. As Paul wrote in 1 Cor 3:16, “I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.”
  • Second, God is good. He is a loving Father who cares deeply for His children. Therefore, anything that does or doesn't happen is not indicative of a defect in God. God did not choose His nature, nor can He deny it. Mark writes, “Beloved, know in your heart that God is a good Father to you.”
  • Third, God's grace is sufficient and freely given to all. Your success or lack thereof may be correlated, but it is not the cause of God's grace. Grace is freely given, not something that can be earned. Matthew writes, “He makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (5: 44-45).
  • Lastly, God's justice is perfect, and all that should happen will find its ultimate resolution in heaven, where all wrongs will be righted. We will spend eternity fulfilling everything He called us to do in a perfect economy.

The greatest thing I’ve learned in 15 years is that God's love for me is not contingent on my accomplishments in my business. I rebuke any lies from Satan that suggest otherwise. I will praise God for every day I can turn on my lights and pay my bills, knowing that His grace and resources are more than sufficient. And should the day come when that provision ceases, I will praise Him in wherever He guides me next. With unwavering dedication, I will continue to work until His return, fully aware that everything sown on this earth will hold eternal value in heaven.




Jim W.

Jim W.

Tremendous Tracy, Congradultions on 15 years of bussiness and pushing positive News, the Good News! Thank you for the reminder it was perfectly timed.
Do your Best have Fun and keep making a Difference!



Very good advice for the New Year.



Very good advice for the New Year.

Jerry BelluneBut success or fgailure is yop to us.

Jerry BelluneBut success or fgailure is yop to us.

Tracey, you have been paying attention and are wiser than you may realize.
Much of what happens to or for us is our own doing.
We call it free will, an amazing gift.
We can thank God for our brains, heart, talents and soul.
He will guide us if we will listen and pay attention.
But our success or is our responsibility.
Don’t blame God.

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