The Most Tremendous Transition of All

The Most Tremendous Transition of All

Tracey Jones
Today, we often avoid death, preferring clinical detachment. Yet the wisdom of the Greeks reminds us that when we allow death to reclaim its place in the circle of life, we gain a fuller understanding of our existence. Embracing death can lead us to live with greater purpose, gratitude, and connection to life's rhythms.
Celebrating Death

Celebrating Death

Tracey Jones
In a world that has literally ceased to function the last 13 months because of the fear of death from a global virus, celebrating it seems like an ...
The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

Tracey Jones
For some of you, 2019 was the best year of your life; for others, you're ready to crawl out of the worst year of your life. And for others, 2019 was a combination of both. There's a great song titled, Bittersweet Symphony, which refers to the ups and downs of life. The Bible verifies this symphony as significant times in life in Ecclesiastes 3:4—a time to cry and a time to laugh; a time to grieve and a time to dance. 
Open Wide and Say, “Ah-ha!”

Open Wide and Say, “Ah-ha!”

Tracey Jones
I am in a constant state of regeneration because of the people I meet and the books I read. The past 24-hours were no exception! Life's lessons abo...

Your best year yet begins the day you die

I recently sent a birthday greeting to a high school acquaintance when his name and profile picture came up on my Facebook birthday announcements. ...

it takes a good fall to know where you stand

Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile. William Cullen Bryant It’s the first day of fall, my absolute favorite season. Some lament the passing o...

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