The Real Issue Isn't Division—It's Hypocrisy

The Real Issue Isn't Division—It's Hypocrisy

Tracey Jones

Hypocrisy isn't about doing the right thing; it's about maintaining power. Censorship, mandates, and lawfare aren't about justice; they're about control. And when control is threatened, hypocrisy goes into overdrive.

Embracing the Divine Blend: Leadership Lessons from the Resurrection

Embracing the Divine Blend: Leadership Lessons from the Resurrection

Tracey Jones
In every prevailing leadership theory, leaders are encouraged to engage with followers as individuals, recognizing leadership's nuanced and highly contextual nature. Each day presents leaders with the delicate balance of mission and personnel, strategy and empathy, execution and understanding—a continuous negotiation between being right and being relational. The greatest act in human history provides a firsthand glimpse of the ultimate leader, who navigated these complexities in a manner even Satan couldn't have foreseen.

can i get a *false* witness?

Exodus 20:16 states, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” as one of The Ten Commandments. But it happens all the time and chanc...

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