Leadership Lessons from Aesop's Fable: The Wind and the Sun

Leadership Lessons from Aesop's Fable: The Wind and the Sun

Tracey Jones
As March winds sweep through Pennsylvania, heralding the arrival of spring, it's the perfect time to reflect on timeless wisdom encapsulated in Aesop's fables. One such tale, "The Wind and the Sun," offers profound insights into leadership dynamics and the distinction between commitment and compliance.
Give the Most Tremendous Gift of All

Give the Most Tremendous Gift of All

Tracey Jones
Want to get the perfect gift for everyone on your entire list that will cost you absolutely nothing? Not only is this gift free, but it will not only overjoy the recipient. And if that weren’t enough, this gift grants the giver peace and blessing of exponential proportions every single time. 
How to Change a Life in Five Words or Less

How to Change a Life in Five Words or Less

Tracey Jones

This past week I interviewed a Regional Manager at a large fitness chain as part of the field testing for my doctoral research. My questions focus on what brings out the best in employees and gets them excited about their work.

When I asked my participant what motivated him in his current role he responded that he could impact a person's life with a single "Hello" and a "Goodbye." Wow, how many of us understand the power of a single word spoken at a specific time.

The Privilege of Learning to be Thankful

The Privilege of Learning to be Thankful

Tracey Jones
A friend of mine recently shared she had been asked to conduct training in "Civility." Seems like this is the new “thing” every organization needs to emphasize and teach. We both chuckled because we know civility, like all the great truths and behaviors in life, isn’t taught, but instead caught, and it originates in a thankful heart. The heart is the wellspring where fountains of gratitude arise.

SOB or ESP: What’s your Communication Style?

We are rapidly losing the art of communication. The very trait which separates us from the animals is about to be our downfall. James Robinson said...

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