The Importance of Finding and Developing the Right Followers

The Importance of Finding and Developing the Right Followers

Tracey Jones
As leaders, it's crucial to remember that we have the power to shape the world, not singlehandedly, but through our influence on individuals. Our focus should be on working with individuals, keeping our 'dance troupe' small enough to remain effective. Being good stewards of our resources, including our time, is not just important, it's vital. If some followers aren't receptive to our guidance, it's important to part ways respectfully and redirect our attention to those ready to hear the music of change.
Can We Train Loyalty?

Can We Train Loyalty?

Tracey Jones
During one of my coaching calls last week, my entrepreneurial client remarked, "We can train for everything except loyalty." Wow, I had never heard this concept expressed that way. I immediately began to digest and unpack his words. Next, I asked several others, whose opinions I regularly seek out, what they thought. The consensus was that we should model and encourage loyalty, which is a given. But if a leader models and inspires loyalty, does that guarantee its reciprocation? Is loyalty a give-to-get kind of thing, or is it something that emerges internally regardless of the context?
Would You Rather be Bigger or Better?

Would You Rather be Bigger or Better?

Tracey Jones
Too often, humble beginnings yield to showers of prosperity via explosive growth. Suppose we are not vigilant in allowing only the best to take up a residential roost. In that case, we experience mission drift and impurity. Let this parable warn us that bigger isn’t always better, and growth has burdens associated with it as well.
Bring on the Harvest

Bring on the Harvest

Tracey Jones
The Right People is about personnel. You can’t get it right without the right people and you can’t create chicken salad from chicken crap. All the laborers in the field have to be committed; otherwise, you're going to have waste. Assemble a team of great fellow laborers who are common people who produce uncommon results. The harvest is indeed plentiful, and you’ll need help to carry the load.

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