elijahandthechariotTo honor our founder, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, we record an annual message on our website. We typically do this in the fall on the recurring anniversary of his home going. It’s a great time to summarize where we’ve been in the past year and where we are going in the next. It’s kind of like a digital diary. I love looking back at the past two messages to see where we’ve been. The first year it was kind of a “Hey, dad’s gone but we’re still here!” message. The second was rolling out our new logo, website and publications. And this year’s is further evolved. It is now our friends, our authors, our publications, our logo, our new facility. When my father passed I did the Elijah/Elisha routine and prayed for double the portion of his spirit. I wanted to bring to the forefront all of his great qualities, combine them with my existing gifts, and take this it to a whole new level. Each day I get the pleasure of picking up another piece of his mantle and tailoring it to my own fit. People look at me and say I’m just like him. Yet they also recognize that I have my uniqueness. As someone who is fiercely independent, I never thought I’d be able to live my life carrying the torch of such a strong figure while allowing my own light to shine. Double the portion indeed.
Charlie "tremendous" jonesElijahElishaSuccession planningUncategorized

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