The Hug Heard 'Round the World

The Hug Heard 'Round the World

Tracey Jones

DJ Daniel's embrace of Director Curran wasn't just a heartwarming moment—it was a leadership lesson. Like my father's legendary hugs, it showed us that real leadership is about making people feel seen, valued, and part of something greater than themselves.

Love Always – A Tremendous Valentine's Message ❤️📚✨

Love Always – A Tremendous Valentine's Message ❤️📚✨

Tracey Jones

Love is not just a feeling—it is a choice. We make it every single day, not because it is always easy but because it is always worth it. Love is choosing to grow through adversity rather than be broken by it. As Charlie "Tremendous" Jones said, "Things don't go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be." True love isn't just about joy—it's about persevering, even when life shakes you to your core.

The Art of Developing Others: The Tremendous Way

The Art of Developing Others: The Tremendous Way

Tracey Jones

One of the biggest shifts in leadership happens when you graduate from directing people to developing them. True leaders don’t just give answers—they guide discovery. My father, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, mastered this by leveraging the wisdom of books. Want to develop others? Park your smarts and let them do the discovering! 📚✨ #Leadership #PersonalGrowth #Mentorship

Tired of Being Happy (And That's Tremendous)

Tired of Being Happy (And That's Tremendous)

Tracey Jones

Now, years later, I understand the real meaning behind this little skit. That "tired of being happy" feeling hits me, and I embrace it with gusto. This year has already been off the charts—celebrating my fifth anniversary, signing new clients, onboarding new authors, seizing new opportunities, and enjoying the clarity of thought, good health, and pure joy that comes with doing what I love.

Apply or Die: The Time to Act is Now!

Apply or Die: The Time to Act is Now!

Tracey Jones
I recently heard a powerful truth: If you don't put something into action within 72 hours, you likely never will. Research and countless conversations with successful people back this up. They call it the 72-hour rule—when you start within those first 72 hours, your chances of success skyrocket by 90%.
The Most Tremendous Transition of All

The Most Tremendous Transition of All

Tracey Jones
Today, we often avoid death, preferring clinical detachment. Yet the wisdom of the Greeks reminds us that when we allow death to reclaim its place in the circle of life, we gain a fuller understanding of our existence. Embracing death can lead us to live with greater purpose, gratitude, and connection to life's rhythms.
Retention: The Million Dollar Question

Retention: The Million Dollar Question

Tracey Jones
We can only get it right with the right people; retention is about keeping them. Why do people keep showing up for work after they've decided to join your organization? Kevin's question struck at the heart of what we all need to consider: Employees come to work for one of two reasons—to transact or to transform. They are there for a paycheck, or they are there for a payback, to grow and make an impact, to evolve themselves or the enterprise.
Persistence: The Key to Unyielding Success

Persistence: The Key to Unyielding Success

Tracey Jones

In the face of adversity, the ability to persist distinguishes those who merely dream from those who achieve. Persistence is the cornerstone of enduring success and is vital to effective leadership. As my father, Charlie "Tremendous" Jones, wisely referred to it as STICKABILITY. Here's what he said:

"Stick by it, die by it, never give up. We need to burn the word "stackability" into our hearts. A plague is sweeping the world, reaching epidemic proportions. It's better known as the Quitters Disease. 

The Heat of Preparation: Resilience in the Face of Adversity

The Heat of Preparation: Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Tracey Jones
Watching the events unfold in Butler, PA, this past week, I was struck by the crowd's reaction to the assassin's shots. Rather than panic, the crowd remained noticeably still, allowing those nearest to the injured to call for help and clear the way for the President's safe exit. It wasn't a scene of chaos; it was a testament to calmness under pressure.
14 Years Ago Today

14 Years Ago Today

Tracey Jones
The most important lesson these years has taught me is found in one of the Laws of Leadership in Life is TremendousGive to Get. In typical Charlie Tremendous fashion, these words are not what we’ve been taught. When we give to get something, we give with a motive. That's not giving; that's trading, and the problem with this perspective is that too often, 'it' gets you, not you get ‘it .' It's so easy in the economy of the world to make decisions based on ROI, the up-side, or future earnings. And I know as a business person, the importance of watching your resources. Stewardship is a Biblical principle. But the real leadership lesson behind Give to Get, according to Tremendous, is that we give regardless of whether we get anything back or not.
The Price of Doing the Right Thing

The Price of Doing the Right Thing

Tracey Jones

The type of leaders that I hang with are courageous. They have a keen sense of discernment, a compulsion to speak the truth professionally, and a sense of service over self. So why do these brave point people get vilified, sniped at, or even railroaded out of the very entity they are trying to help?

Are You Reason-Able?

Are You Reason-Able?

Tracey Jones

To be reasonable, you must be able to reason. Our ability to reason is what makes humans humane. And when we abdicate our frontal lobe cortex’s responsibility to interact as adults with others, we devolve into our reptilian brains. And nothing good happens in the Jurassic Park parts of our perceptions.

Retention is Tremendous

Retention is Tremendous

Tracey Jones
“If a man doesn’t want to do something with his heart, there is no use paying him. If you don’t want this man because of what your agency can do for him with a tremendous spirit of obligation, I don’t believe you can bring him through. For the battles ahead, there has to be a bond, and usually, this will be mutual respect and appreciation between the manager and the agent.”
13 Years

13 Years

Tracey Jones

This past week was a poignant one for me because I celebrated the second anniversary of my mother's homegoing on October 14th and the thirteen-year homegoing of my father on October 16th.

Celebrating Death

Celebrating Death

Tracey Jones
In a world that has literally ceased to function the last 13 months because of the fear of death from a global virus, celebrating it seems like an ...

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