The Watchman's Call: Reclaiming Our Voice in Business and Family

The Watchman's Call: Reclaiming Our Voice in Business and Family

Tracey Jones
In business, being a Watchman means more than just managing day-to-day operations. It's about staying alert to potential threats to your organization's values, culture, and long-term health. Perhaps you're on a board, and you sense something amiss during a meeting. It may be a proposal that sounds financially lucrative but cuts ethical corners. Or it could be a shift in company culture that compromises integrity for expedience. Do you speak up when your spirit is pricked, and your conscience stirs? If you choose silence, you jeopardize your organization and risk the fallout of personal accountability.
The Price of Doing the Right Thing

The Price of Doing the Right Thing

Tracey Jones

The type of leaders that I hang with are courageous. They have a keen sense of discernment, a compulsion to speak the truth professionally, and a sense of service over self. So why do these brave point people get vilified, sniped at, or even railroaded out of the very entity they are trying to help?

The Elusive Keys: Five Encouragements for Venturing Beyond Your Comfort Zone

The Elusive Keys: Five Encouragements for Venturing Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Tracey Jones
We’ve all been there. The moment when you realize that you’ve reached a plateau. You’ve checked off the mastery of every skill on your profession...
Bring It On! Why Avoiding Challenge is the Fastest Route To Stagnation

Bring It On! Why Avoiding Challenge is the Fastest Route To Stagnation

Tracey Jones
Challenge. Do you suffer through it? Do you deny it? Do you curse it? Do you run from it? Or do you experience it? You cannot build a tremendous li...
Perfecting the Puzzle: Building a Team You’ll Want to Keep Forever

Perfecting the Puzzle: Building a Team You’ll Want to Keep Forever

Tracey Jones
The hardest thing in the world is finding the right people to surround yourself with; in business, in play, and in love. No matter how good you or ...
Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

Tracey Jones
The Agony of Avoidance We’ve all been there. We’ve got that nagging feeling that something bad is going to happen. We know we’ve got to take action...

mind the gap

"Mind the gap" is a warning to train passengers of the London Underground to take caution while crossing the gap between the station platform and t...

i was a charm school dropout

Once, without warning or explanation, my father took me and my little sister to a charm school where they try to teach normal girls to act like lad...

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