Don't Forget the Ship in Leadership

Don't Forget the Ship in Leadership

Tracey Jones
Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting Annapolis and sailing on a friend's 42-foot yacht. As we glided across the bay to the Academy, I couldn't stop thinking about "putting wind in others' sails." There are various types of boats and vessels, each representing different types of employees and the leadership they require.
Leadership Lessons from Aesop's Fable: The Wind and the Sun

Leadership Lessons from Aesop's Fable: The Wind and the Sun

Tracey Jones
As March winds sweep through Pennsylvania, heralding the arrival of spring, it's the perfect time to reflect on timeless wisdom encapsulated in Aesop's fables. One such tale, "The Wind and the Sun," offers profound insights into leadership dynamics and the distinction between commitment and compliance.
The Mighty Oak Within

The Mighty Oak Within

Tracey Jones
An acorn’s destiny is to become a tree. The acorn has the potential inside of it to become a mighty oak. However, before that happens, the acorn must be buried in the ground and cracked open. In essence, the acorn must die to itself so that it can fulfill a higher and more glorious purpose.
Flatten Your Own Curve(s)

Flatten Your Own Curve(s)

Tracey Jones
We are entering week seven of our shelter in place and I have been watching to see when certain pieces of data would begin coming in. When the pandemic hit, it wasn’t the complete wipe (no pun intended) out of toilet paper in the stores that freaked me out, but rather an article I read stating Hostess Twinkies and Ding Dongs were in short demand due to panic buying. My critical thinking, health conscience, and sugar-free mind knew immediately this was a terrible marker for mankind... Read more
The I Don't Care Bear

The I Don't Care Bear

Tracey Jones
There seems to be an emergence of another one of the clan, the I Don’t Care Bear. I have often said that in order for change to happen there needs to be two essentials present: the belief in the value of what you are trying to do and a reasonable expectation of success. In order for these two precursors to line up so you can catapult toward change...
Excited or Entrenched

Excited or Entrenched

Tracey Jones
The landscape of our lives is constantly changing which wreaks a great deal of havoc on humans who would often rather die than change. We lose relationships and our health, we miss once in a lifetime and repeated opportunities, yet we continue to blame everyone but ourselves.
Producing a Tremendous Harvest

Producing a Tremendous Harvest

Tracey Jones
Here comes my favorite season of the year—fall. I can see the day’s becoming slightly shorter; I watch for a leaf or two to begin transitioning to flames of gold and red; I hear and see the birds starting their migration to their new home. In South Central PA, the harvest is a sight to behold. This year's rain and sun ratio were magnificent. I have never seen fields of corn as high and green as the ones that fill our landscape. Autumn is the time of year when we look to the harvest and reap the products of our labor.
How to Change a Life in Five Words or Less

How to Change a Life in Five Words or Less

Tracey Jones

This past week I interviewed a Regional Manager at a large fitness chain as part of the field testing for my doctoral research. My questions focus on what brings out the best in employees and gets them excited about their work.

When I asked my participant what motivated him in his current role he responded that he could impact a person's life with a single "Hello" and a "Goodbye." Wow, how many of us understand the power of a single word spoken at a specific time.

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Research

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Research

Tracey Jones

This past week I moved one step closer to achieving one of my life goals; I completed my Prospectus hearing for my doctorate in leadership. This milestone includes the written front end of your dissertation and a briefing on your research problem and the methodology whereby you intend to go forth and gather data. My hearing was this past Wednesday and my readers and several faculty members who were with me since the beginning were in attendance.

Empowering or Enabling?

Empowering or Enabling?

Tracey Jones

Empowering is drawn out; enabling is dumped in. People who are willing to be developed need a hand up, not a handout. I'll do anything for anyone, but if you will not begin to pick up your own slack, I'm off to spend my resources on someone who'll use it to put their lives on a whole new trajectory. That’s genuine compassion and tremendous empowerment. Until the recipient owns their part of fixing life, the only thing they’ll want from you is more enabling. Give people the tools, and not just the solutions, and let them get to work. Invest in people wisely so you can help them and not hurt them.

The Granddaughter Project

The Granddaughter Project

Tracey Jones
In the Spring of 2017, a successful business leader asked me to take his five granddaughters on a weekend retreat and provide professional development and mentorship in a private, relaxed, yet focused setting. There were two goals; first, help these young women unlock their inner greatness and second, help them stay away from the people who would derail them. Pretty much sums up the path to a tremendous life!
Seeking an Organization that Turned Chaos into Opportunity

Seeking an Organization that Turned Chaos into Opportunity

Tracey Jones
Tremendous tribe, I need your help! I am searching for an organization that has successfully navigated its way through a challenge as part of my doctoral research on the perceptions of leader effectiveness in an organizational crisis. My goal is to conduct a case study on follower motivation and engagement as the crisis unfolded, and the team emerged on the other side. At the core of the proposed research is the study of leader perceptions in the follower's mind.
Driven to Win or Guided by Grace?

Driven to Win or Guided by Grace?

Tracey Jones
When we allow life to unfold before us —versus trying to wrestle it into a constructed box— our lives take a more relaxed and joyful form. There’s a difference between kicking down doors and allowing them to swing wide open when the time is right.
Lead Like a Tree

Lead Like a Tree

Tracey Jones

As leaders, we wear many hats. We are optimists, encouragers, ethicists, decision-makers, saviors, and sense-makers. So just like the mighty forests, we must do the same for ourselves and our organization. We need to be intentional about who we allow in our forest. After all, you cannot get it right without the right people. We need to stay nourished as well because leading others, although incredibly uplifting, can also be unbelievably draining. We must deal with bureaucracies, laws, budgets, attitudes, and global issues. To stay above the fray, we need to make sure our roots go deep; so deep that when the winds of change or fires of crisis come into our forest, we can not only survive, but thrive.

Waiting for Chewbacca

Waiting for Chewbacca

Tracey Jones
Life is tremendous, it really is. It’s even more tremendous when you find your Chewbacca. But here’s the thing; you don’t find your Chewbacca; your Chewbacca finds you. Maybe a wonderful Wookiee will come into your life for a season, maybe for a lifetime; but you’ll know it when it happens. We are all coded to be relational, from an evolutionary as well as a spiritual standpoint. None of us can fly the Millennium Falcon of our lives alone.

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