Embrace Self-Reflection, not Self-Deflection: The Key to Leadership Evolution

Embrace Self-Reflection, not Self-Deflection: The Key to Leadership Evolution

Tracey Jones
Books and people give us feedback. Feedback is the lifeblood that flows through our veins. Without it, we die. If we don't get enough, we become anemic. Yet, to truly self-reflect, we must be honest with ourselves first. We have to own our actions or our inactions. If we don't embrace self-reflection, as hard as it is, we revert to self-deflection, a disorder that will lead to the leader’s demise.
How to Issue a Tremendous Apology

How to Issue a Tremendous Apology

Tracey Jones
They say that the only two things certain in life are death and taxes, but I might add another—mistakes. Leaders are not infallible; we make our fair share of omissions, offenses, and oversights in all areas of our lives. But take heart, even the most egregious events can be turned into learning experiences and opportunities for growth if they are acted upon swiftly and sincerely.
I'm So Tired of Being Happy......It's Wearing Me Out!!

I'm So Tired of Being Happy......It's Wearing Me Out!!

Tracey Jones
My father famously said, “Atmosphere doesn’t come out of thin air. Somebody has to create atmosphere!” Many of us drift through careers and relatio...
The Great Realization

The Great Realization

Tracey Jones
Throughout my leadership journey, I’ve heard one constant refrain--people are your greatest asset because they have within them the mind, heart, and spirit to do great things. Having worked with thousands of individuals over the past forty years of my professional life, I used to think, “well, that depends on which people you're talking about." Which brings us to the genuine question, is there an innate great encoded in every single human being? Do we have the seeds of success embedded into our DNA waiting patiently for the trigger that causes them to begin manifesting? I used to think the answer was ‘no,' but now I see it is ‘yes.'

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