Three Ways to Know You’re Fulfilling Your Destiny

When people ask what the purpose of life is, the approved response is “a life of purpose”. While this is absolutely true, it’s a bit esoteric and p...

Certain Inalienable Rights

Our country was founded on the declaration that all men have certain inalienable rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I would like t...

I lived life and all I got was this lousy T Shirt! Or, Failure Is an Option

If no one is responsible for the consequences of their mistakes or can claim victory for their successes, what’s the point of living? We may as wel...

This is a free country, right???

I remember back in the mid ‘90s when the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy under President Clinton was unveiled. Many of my fellow soldiers thought th...

coming out of the corporate closet

Not too many years ago I worked for a company as a project manager. I worked tirelessly to please the customer, promote those that worked the harde...

passion makes perfect

Too much practice makes a speech sound canned, an emotion fall flat, an activity seem routine. Don’t practice until you get it right, practice unti...

are you adding value or feeding your ego?

In today’s world of “overnight” successes, it’s easy to search for a short cut to notoriety. The beauty of finding our passion in life is that we’r...

give that dog a bone

Denise Griffitts
There are lots of bones out there—the wish bone, the funny bone; but the most important bone is the backbone. This is the bone that gives you the s...

what planet are you from?

I was at a speaker’s retreat last weekend. There is nothing like getting together with 30 of the most seasoned speakers on the planet to get your m...

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