If Not You, Then Who In 2022?

If Not You, Then Who In 2022?

Tracey Jones

Which brings me to the question I have heard more in the past two years than in all my years combined: Where are the tremendous leaders? Our nation is in crisis, our health is under attack, and our Constitution is being shredded. Our global economy is sinking, and all because of poor leadership rooted in the need for power.

obscene leadership

There are some words so vile that you can only refer to them by their first letter; so inflammatory and degrading, you do not want to even go there...

chicken little leadership

True leaders love a crisis. It gives them the chance to go through the fires and be molded into something stronger and more powerful. The masses lo...

Are you Slacktose Intolerant?

Offer the lazy an egg, and they'll want you to peel it for them. - A Proverb Slacktose intolerance, also called loser phobia and hypomalaisa, is ...

coming out of the corporate closet

Not too many years ago I worked for a company as a project manager. I worked tirelessly to please the customer, promote those that worked the harde...

is your career lost in the bermuda triangle?

Do you find yourself lost, adrift or even facing a mutiny at work? Do you fear your bosses are about ready to make you walk the plank and feed you ...

the seven deadly sins of utensillary management: what’s in your drawer?

#1 The Spoon: A spoon has a small, shallow bowl at the end of it for serving. The spoon-fed manager is an adult bird that always got what he wanted...

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