To Our Heroes

To Our Heroes

Tracey Jones
Today, we honor the heroes, the men and women who choose to live their lives committed to something other than themselves. May we live with the awareness and conviction of those who continue to serve all around us today. May we find ways to serve, respect, and defend the rights of our fellow countrymen and women for all our days to come.
The Supreme Sacrifice

The Supreme Sacrifice

Tracey Jones
Today, we celebrate those men and women who paid the supreme sacrifice so that we, and countless others across the globe, can live in freedom. Freedom, life, and liberty and bought with a price. That price is courage, service, and sacrifice.
Veterans are Tremendous

Veterans are Tremendous

Tracey Jones
The military taught me duty and conscientiousness. Aircraft maintenance taught me safety, production scheduling, quality assurance, and logistics. And my enlisted folks taught me how to be a good leader, how to trust my troops, and how to make decisions. I know from living all over the world how incredibly blessed we are in this country. As a global citizen speaking with those who need our help, I know how thankful people are when we are there to protect them. And I know how proud my parents were of me that I decided to earn my stripes.

Are there atheists in foxholes?

Denise Griffitts
In God we trust. It’s the basis of all of our legal systems, our church doctrines, our charitable organizations, even the basis for a family. If yo...

my most blessed christmas ever by charlie "tremendous" jones

I was nine years old and the depression was still in full force. We came from Alabama and settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in a little row...

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