Sharing and Preserving Knowledge

Sharing and Preserving Knowledge

Tracey Jones
Thus, whether you are learning something new or teaching others, knowledge can only be absorbed when it has something to anchor itself to; otherwise, it simply dissipates. This fact is why stories are so powerful for speakers, why Jesus spoke in parables, and why the root of all communication is in identification.
Empowering the World: A Message That Transcends Time and Boundaries

Empowering the World: A Message That Transcends Time and Boundaries

Tracey Jones
Last month, I had the honor of serving as the Master of Ceremonies at a distinguished event held at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The gathering brought together 150 leaders and supporters from both the military and the financial services sector to confer the highest honor upon a Soldier-Citizen who exemplified leadership and service both in and out of uniform. The convergence of these two significant aspects of my life, the transformative impact of the military on my professional journey and its influence on my father's life insurance career, filled me with joy and pride.
To Our Heroes

To Our Heroes

Tracey Jones
Today, we honor the heroes, the men and women who choose to live their lives committed to something other than themselves. May we live with the awareness and conviction of those who continue to serve all around us today. May we find ways to serve, respect, and defend the rights of our fellow countrymen and women for all our days to come.
How to Issue a Tremendous Apology

How to Issue a Tremendous Apology

Tracey Jones
They say that the only two things certain in life are death and taxes, but I might add another—mistakes. Leaders are not infallible; we make our fair share of omissions, offenses, and oversights in all areas of our lives. But take heart, even the most egregious events can be turned into learning experiences and opportunities for growth if they are acted upon swiftly and sincerely.
When Tremendous Isn't Tremendous

When Tremendous Isn't Tremendous

Tracey Jones
Sometimes, you'll have to deal with things you shouldn't have to deal with. But more people doing the right thing will offset people doing the wrong thing, putting the whole world back into a tremendous balance!
Don't Take My Word For It

Don't Take My Word For It

Tracey Jones
Several years ago, I got involved in a business venture after vetting the requestor’s credibility with someone I highly regarded in the field of endeavor. It turns out they were wrong, so wrong it took precious and extensive resources from me to disengage. All because I took one person's word of approval.
14 Years Ago Today

14 Years Ago Today

Tracey Jones
The most important lesson these years has taught me is found in one of the Laws of Leadership in Life is TremendousGive to Get. In typical Charlie Tremendous fashion, these words are not what we’ve been taught. When we give to get something, we give with a motive. That's not giving; that's trading, and the problem with this perspective is that too often, 'it' gets you, not you get ‘it .' It's so easy in the economy of the world to make decisions based on ROI, the up-side, or future earnings. And I know as a business person, the importance of watching your resources. Stewardship is a Biblical principle. But the real leadership lesson behind Give to Get, according to Tremendous, is that we give regardless of whether we get anything back or not.
Cognitive Compound Interest

Cognitive Compound Interest

Tracey Jones
Compound interest isn’t just a principle about money; it's a tremendous growth activator for your mind! Like the financial growth described above, personal growth isn't linear; it's exponential. Just as interest makes interest, knowledge makes knowledge! So let’s get into the habit of monetizing our minds and building bucks with our brains.
The Gift of Certainty

The Gift of Certainty

Tracey Jones
I scratch my head when people lament that we live in uncertain times. Can anyone recollect a time in the annals of human existence when there wasn’...
If You Aren't Fired With Enthusiasm...

If You Aren't Fired With Enthusiasm...

Tracey Jones

As I step onto the stage or in front of the conference room, one theme rings through every one of my talks: You can't get it right without the right people. Whether you're a board member, a CEO, a manager, a spouse, or a solopreneur, this is the most important truth you must constantly keep at the forefront of your thoughts.

Peacemakers Are Tremendous

Peacemakers Are Tremendous

Tracey Jones
They say that anger is one letter away from danger, and that is true. I am involved in monthly book discussions through a tremendous prison ministry called LIFE, Inc., which stands for Leading Inmates in Faith and Education. The organization's leader, Marcia Sinkovitz, and I witness the price of letting emotions override minds and their consequences. Although these men accept God's gift of grace, own their actions, and seek restoration, the better path is to avoid poor emotional regulation altogether.
Suspicious Minds

Suspicious Minds

Tracey Jones
We've all been there. We have someone in our lives, and we become intertwined. Then, things start giving us pause and concern. We brush these feelings off or acquiesce when conflict arises. We keep coming back, hoping our suspicious minds will be wrong and all will be right. But that never happens. And there always comes a time when you've gone too far, and the only thing left to sell is your livelihood, life, or soul.
You can't fix stupid, but you can cure ignorance.

You can't fix stupid, but you can cure ignorance.

Tracey Jones
We live in a world full of stupidity. Stupid acts done by stupid people with stupid motives. Forrest Gump said it best, “Stupid is as stupid does.” People get very upset about this reality, but there's nothing we can do about it. What makes them stupid? Their willingness to be wise in their own eyes.
Seeing Stars: Stellar Fellers and Galactic Gals

Seeing Stars: Stellar Fellers and Galactic Gals

Tracey Jones
When I was younger, I dreamed of being an astronaut launched on a one-way mission to explore the universe for the duration of my life. Now that I am older, I realize that the meaning of the universe is on terra firma, serving, loving, and sharing with my fellow human beings.
I'm So Tired of Being Happy......It's Wearing Me Out!!

I'm So Tired of Being Happy......It's Wearing Me Out!!

Tracey Jones
My father famously said, “Atmosphere doesn’t come out of thin air. Somebody has to create atmosphere!” Many of us drift through careers and relatio...

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