Retention: The Key to a Tremendous Organization

Retention: The Key to a Tremendous Organization

Tracey Jones
RETENTION is highly important to an agency or company; I, like so many, learned this the hard way. In my first year as a manager, we contracted 29 new agents—an impressive number with tremendous production. But I eventually lost 28 of them. That painful experience taught me these critical lessons:
Experience, Application, and the Tremendous Call to Grow

Experience, Application, and the Tremendous Call to Grow

Tracey Jones
During my doctoral research, I asked participants to rate their need to be developed on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest. It was discouraging to see so many leaders rank themselves at the lower end of the scale. Their reasons? “I’m a certain age and don’t need further certifications,” “I’m close to retirement,” or “I’m comfortable where I am.”
Don't Forget the Ship in Leadership

Don't Forget the Ship in Leadership

Tracey Jones
Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting Annapolis and sailing on a friend's 42-foot yacht. As we glided across the bay to the Academy, I couldn't stop thinking about "putting wind in others' sails." There are various types of boats and vessels, each representing different types of employees and the leadership they require.
The Importance of Finding and Developing the Right Followers

The Importance of Finding and Developing the Right Followers

Tracey Jones
As leaders, it's crucial to remember that we have the power to shape the world, not singlehandedly, but through our influence on individuals. Our focus should be on working with individuals, keeping our 'dance troupe' small enough to remain effective. Being good stewards of our resources, including our time, is not just important, it's vital. If some followers aren't receptive to our guidance, it's important to part ways respectfully and redirect our attention to those ready to hear the music of change.
Embrace Self-Reflection, not Self-Deflection: The Key to Leadership Evolution

Embrace Self-Reflection, not Self-Deflection: The Key to Leadership Evolution

Tracey Jones
Books and people give us feedback. Feedback is the lifeblood that flows through our veins. Without it, we die. If we don't get enough, we become anemic. Yet, to truly self-reflect, we must be honest with ourselves first. We have to own our actions or our inactions. If we don't embrace self-reflection, as hard as it is, we revert to self-deflection, a disorder that will lead to the leader’s demise.
Leading Through an Eclipse: Unveiling Blind Spots and Embracing Transformation

Leading Through an Eclipse: Unveiling Blind Spots and Embracing Transformation

Tracey Jones
On April 8th, a celestial event will captivate the skies: a rare total solar eclipse. As the moon momentarily obscures the sun, casting a shadow over the Earth, we are presented with a powerful metaphor for leadership and personal growth. Just as an eclipse reveals what was once hidden, moments of darkness can illuminate our blind spots and catalyze transformation.
Leadership Lessons from Aesop's Fable: The Wind and the Sun

Leadership Lessons from Aesop's Fable: The Wind and the Sun

Tracey Jones
As March winds sweep through Pennsylvania, heralding the arrival of spring, it's the perfect time to reflect on timeless wisdom encapsulated in Aesop's fables. One such tale, "The Wind and the Sun," offers profound insights into leadership dynamics and the distinction between commitment and compliance.
Sharing and Preserving Knowledge

Sharing and Preserving Knowledge

Tracey Jones
Thus, whether you are learning something new or teaching others, knowledge can only be absorbed when it has something to anchor itself to; otherwise, it simply dissipates. This fact is why stories are so powerful for speakers, why Jesus spoke in parables, and why the root of all communication is in identification.
How to Issue a Tremendous Apology

How to Issue a Tremendous Apology

Tracey Jones
They say that the only two things certain in life are death and taxes, but I might add another—mistakes. Leaders are not infallible; we make our fair share of omissions, offenses, and oversights in all areas of our lives. But take heart, even the most egregious events can be turned into learning experiences and opportunities for growth if they are acted upon swiftly and sincerely.
Ben and Brown: A Tale of Two Players

Ben and Brown: A Tale of Two Players

Tracey Jones
This week we got to witness two NFL players exit their home fields for the last time. One departure was spectacular; one was a spectacle. But, let's face it, departures are a fact of life. We constantly generate or abandon ideas, friends, cohorts, relationships, jobs, churches, habits, etc. So, change and movement is part of the cycle of life.
If Not You, Then Who In 2022?

If Not You, Then Who In 2022?

Tracey Jones

Which brings me to the question I have heard more in the past two years than in all my years combined: Where are the tremendous leaders? Our nation is in crisis, our health is under attack, and our Constitution is being shredded. Our global economy is sinking, and all because of poor leadership rooted in the need for power.

Veterans are Tremendous

Veterans are Tremendous

Tracey Jones
The military taught me duty and conscientiousness. Aircraft maintenance taught me safety, production scheduling, quality assurance, and logistics. And my enlisted folks taught me how to be a good leader, how to trust my troops, and how to make decisions. I know from living all over the world how incredibly blessed we are in this country. As a global citizen speaking with those who need our help, I know how thankful people are when we are there to protect them. And I know how proud my parents were of me that I decided to earn my stripes.
The Mighty Oak Within

The Mighty Oak Within

Tracey Jones
An acorn’s destiny is to become a tree. The acorn has the potential inside of it to become a mighty oak. However, before that happens, the acorn must be buried in the ground and cracked open. In essence, the acorn must die to itself so that it can fulfill a higher and more glorious purpose.
All Things Involve Poetry and Plumbing by Sam Pearson

All Things Involve Poetry and Plumbing by Sam Pearson

Tracey Jones
One of the requirements for the Communication major is to complete an internship, and I am so excited to be learning from Tracey Jones at her publishing company, Tremendous Leadership. From the moment I stepped through the door, I felt welcomed and right at home among the stacks of books. I can’t wait to learn all about the publishing industry, from the glamour side that Tracey calls “poetry” to the behind-the-scenes work she dubs “plumbing.”
Thanks to the Heroes, We Can Be Heroes

Thanks to the Heroes, We Can Be Heroes

Tracey Jones
So, while every Veteran values hearing those words, "Thank you for your service," what we long to see and hear is, "Thanks to you, I can and will be a hero too.” After all, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and we didn't put our lives on the line to watch our great nation fall into chaos. Unity and respect for our flag and Constitution is the responsibility of all, both in and out of uniform.

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