The Art of Not Quitting

The Art of Not Quitting

Tracey Jones
Feel like quitting? Join the crowd. Before you do, read these three ways to soldier on.

Your best year yet begins the day you die

I recently sent a birthday greeting to a high school acquaintance when his name and profile picture came up on my Facebook birthday announcements. ...

Three Ways to Know You’re Fulfilling Your Destiny

When people ask what the purpose of life is, the approved response is “a life of purpose”. While this is absolutely true, it’s a bit esoteric and p...

Never say never, unless……

The word to never say: “Why” Only children ask "why".  It reflects something that has transpired and is the equivalent to crying over spilt milk. ...

are you adding value or feeding your ego?

In today’s world of “overnight” successes, it’s easy to search for a short cut to notoriety. The beauty of finding our passion in life is that we’r...

give that dog a bone

Denise Griffitts
There are lots of bones out there—the wish bone, the funny bone; but the most important bone is the backbone. This is the bone that gives you the s...

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