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Charlie “Tremendous” Jones showing how self-motivation is done![/caption]
Today we’re surrounded by motivators—people and things strive to motivate people to buy a product, pay for advice or enlist in a cause. Motivation classes are crammed and motivation book are best-sellers. Motivation is big business!!
But look closely at these motivators—some reach the point where they can motivate anybody into doing anything and success is running out their ears, yet they are miserable because they forgot to learn how to motivate themselves!
Which would you rather be—a miserable, successful motivator or a happy, motivated flop? I would rather be a happy, motivated flop. If I am learning to be motivated, I’ll eventually become a successful motivator of others, and be happy doing it. The motivator who can motivate everybody but himself may win the world but he’ll never enjoy it.
Some people get involved with their work but are not committed. Others are committed but don’t get deeply involved. The two go together, and I’m convinced that there in no way to learn to be a motivated person without being totally involved and committed to whatever you are engaged in!
The greatest motivators I’ve had have come from my own heart and home. Someone else’s experience or story can never motivate you as deeply as your own.
Wouldn’t it be great if life were a game? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the field of life had cheering sections on each side, and when we reached the impossible situation and dint’ know how to go on and no one understood us and we’re about ready to folks and say those terrible words, “I quit,” wouldn’t it be wonderful if the stands would come alive and they’d yell, “Charlie, boy, keep on going; we’re with you!” I’d say, “Wohooo! That’s all I needed.” Boy I'd go on down the field to another touchdown!
But life isn’t a game, is it? It’s a battlefield. Instead of players and spectators, we’re all soldiers, including some gold diggers and some AWOLs! But we’re all in the struggle, whether we know it or not. And the person who knows how to be motivated doesn’t need any cheering section. He was motivation built in. He’s not looking for a crutch that might break; a bonus that will be taxed away; he’s learning motivation from within. What really makes a man in his inner dynamics and the learning of the law of being motivated, not the power of motivating others. If you are motivated, you will motivate other inevitably. And isn’t it excited to be around people who are motivated? Wohooo!
Dave Mather
I remember hearing this in person. Charlie was one of a kind!
Thanks for the read and comment Dave! And you’re right, he sure was one of a kind:-) Have a tremendous weekend!!
Mark Armstrong
Amen, sister! It is exciting to be around motivated people— and a lot of that is due to the fact that truly motivated people are very rare! Being around such people is wonderfully energizing— which is simply rephrasing the old truism about rising to the level of the company you keep.
It’s vital to “hang” with the right kind of people— which is why I read this blog!! : )
And that’s exactly why I read yours Mr. Mark Armstrong, creative genius and master motivator!!!