Driven to Win or Guided by Grace?

Driven to Win or Guided by Grace?

Tracey Jones
When we allow life to unfold before us —versus trying to wrestle it into a constructed box— our lives take a more relaxed and joyful form. There’s a difference between kicking down doors and allowing them to swing wide open when the time is right.
When the Information Superhighway Leads to Nowhere

When the Information Superhighway Leads to Nowhere

Tracey Jones
The information superhighway can lead you to a more evolved mind if you avoid lazy thinking, research your sources, and search out divergent opinions so you can fully understand the issue at hand. A closed mind is a dying mind and, in this day and age, there is no reason why we should not be getting bigger brains and traveling the super highway together on a tremendous road trip every single day.
Tremendous Christmas in July

Tremendous Christmas in July

Tracey Jones

Last year, Tremendous Leadership had the honor and privilege of being the lead sponsor for A Tremendous Christmas at the Italian Lake in Uptown Harrisburg. This event benefitted Bethesda Mission, located in Harrisburg, PA. This organization provides a men’s, women’s and children’s shelter, along with a medical and dental clinic. We raised $8,565 to help meet the increasing need of more bed space, develop a new women’s shelter and renovate and expand a community center for the youth of Harrisburg.

When Worlds Collide

When Worlds Collide

Tracey Jones
Much of what living a tremendous life involves is deconstructing what is and reconstructing it to what can be. Life is like a jigsaw puzzle where you get to create the picture on the box as you go. There’s a timeless tension between where we are right now and where we want to be in the future. If there's one thing I've learned it's that intentionality trumps capability. There is no use in saying, "I can," unless you follow it up with an, “I will.” 
Salute to a Tremendous Father

Salute to a Tremendous Father

Tracey Jones
What he could not have fathomed was the utter lack of individual ownership in creating their own lives. He knew what it was like to be dealt every bad card in the deck. From an impoverished upbringing to a lack of schooling, abuse, and betrayal. Yet, he gloriously pursued life without an ounce of "woe is me" or "you owe me." Pity parties were for thumb suckers, and he repeatedly proclaimed, "No one is a failure until they blame someone else."
Show, Don’t Tell

Show, Don’t Tell

Bold Support
Do you remember the grade school activity of Show and Tell where we brought in an object and then proceeded to talk about it with our classmates? ...
Nothing Works….Unless You Work It

Nothing Works….Unless You Work It

Tracey Jones
One of Charlie “Tremendous” Jones’ most famous quotes was, “Nothing Works!”. You can watch it here or you can listen, read, or watch his full spee...
You say you want a leader…. but are you willing to be led?

You say you want a leader…. but are you willing to be led?

Tracey Jones
In life, we are all leaders. We lead by taking care of obligations such as paying bills, following the laws of the land, taking care of ourselves,...
The Theory of Transcendence

The Theory of Transcendence

Tracey Jones
Everything in life has potential, but it must be developed. That never happens without a catalyst. Motivation arises from a need greater than self. Motivation is about uncorking potential. You have potential, but nothing happens until something is put in you to act as a catalyst.
Limitations or DElimitations? What's Holding You Back?

Limitations or DElimitations? What's Holding You Back?

Tracey Jones
 Last week, I completed my final doctoral seminar, Empirical Research III. We covered everything from research questions and methodologies to codi...
Putting the Spec in Perspective

Putting the Spec in Perspective

Tracey Jones
Change is hard. Change is good. Change is death. Change is life. As the singular purpose for us to be alive is to evolve, why do we have such an ...
What Have You Done For You Lately?

What Have You Done For You Lately?

Tracey Jones
We need you to be at the top of your game. Here are three simple tips to keep you in tremendous form. Take Steps to ACT: We sure can talk a good ...
The Art of Not Quitting

The Art of Not Quitting

Tracey Jones
Feel like quitting? Join the crowd. Before you do, read these three ways to soldier on.
What Happens In Book Club Doesn’t Stay in Book Club

What Happens In Book Club Doesn’t Stay in Book Club

Tracey Jones

With everyone clamoring about what’s wrong with the world today, there’s one solution that’s rarely suggested: reading. They tell me it’s too old school, that people’s attention spans can’t focus for that long, that everyone is too busy with digital addictions and watching online to take the time to read. Well then, they’re never going to find what they are looking for.

Year of the Dog

Year of the Dog

Tracey Jones
None can deny the appeal, the exuberance, the unconditional love and pure companionship of (wo)man’s best friend. So, who better to learn from?

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