how not to have a blue christmas

The winter holidays are a time to reflect. Christmas orients you back to the past, reliving childhood memories, events, and personal interactions. ...

my most blessed christmas by charlie "tremendous" jones

I was nine years old and the depression was still in full force. We came from Alabama and settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in a little row...

a sense of urgency is tremendous!

December is the most boisterous month of the year. There are decorations to put up, gifts to buy, cards to mail, parties to plan, plane tickets ...

please stop surprising me with your “disingenuity”

Gen George S. Patton said, “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” I adore this...

a thanksgiving day prayer

My father, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones said this prayer every year at our Thanksgiving Day gathering: "Father, we thank You for our food, but Lord, ...

Karaoke Leadership

My father, the late Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, loved to sing as much as he loved to speak and write. Growing up in a big family, our summers invol...

Can You Ever Really Bury the Hatchet?

After last week’s election results I hear a lot about “burying the hatchet”. In essence, the new strategy is to forget about all that happened in t...

Monkey Read, Monkey Do

“You’ll be the same person in five years as you are today except for two things…the people you meet and the books you read.” Charlie “Tremendous” J...

When In Doubt, Take the Next Step

I was recently at a conference where my guest made an interesting comment in response to my input about all the unknowns in running a business. He ...

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me A Match!

I’ve recently been swimming in seminars and webinars on sales. Thank goodness! After drinking from the fountain of servant and transformation...

When Turkeys Fly…..

We hear a lot about flightless animals that try to go airborne. When pigs fly, when monkeys fly, there are even some more colorful derivatives of t...

Nobody know the troubles I’ve seen…and nobody ever will

Jesus’ half brother James states in his book to “count it all joy when you fall into various trials.” Why? Because it produces patience, makes you ...

Here Comes the Mirror Man

All of us look in a mirror at least once or twice a day. We do this to ensure our appearance is presentable before we venture out to interact in pu...

Atmosphere Creator or Sucker?

My father, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, famously said, “Atmosphere doesn’t come out of thin air. Somebody has to create atmosphere!” Many of us drif...

Should Leaders Have Expiration Dates?

During my years in the Air Force, the military made it a priority to keep its commanders moving in and out of various positions. The standard tour ...

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