Tremendous Tracey
Couldn’t We All Use Some Therapy
Make a Decision; Make It Yours; Die By It
The Anointed Call of Leadership
It's Not Rude to Be Shrewd
Excited or Entrenched
Producing a Tremendous Harvest
The Great Realization
Uganda: Thank You For Your Smile.....And so Much More!
Inspiring Women Leaders Across the Globe
The Reactive Leader
Those of us that have been in leadership for any amount of time has probably been called reactive at one time or another. This reality struck me again as the result of a conversation I had with a colleague regarding some changes their boss was implementing.
All organizations are in a constant state of flux. If yours is not, you may be out of business in the next three to five years (if not sooner).
How to Change a Life in Five Words or Less
This past week I interviewed a Regional Manager at a large fitness chain as part of the field testing for my doctoral research. My questions focus on what brings out the best in employees and gets them excited about their work.
When I asked my participant what motivated him in his current role he responded that he could impact a person's life with a single "Hello" and a "Goodbye." Wow, how many of us understand the power of a single word spoken at a specific time.
Empowering or Enabling?
Empowering is drawn out; enabling is dumped in. People who are willing to be developed need a hand up, not a handout. I'll do anything for anyone, but if you will not begin to pick up your own slack, I'm off to spend my resources on someone who'll use it to put their lives on a whole new trajectory. That’s genuine compassion and tremendous empowerment. Until the recipient owns their part of fixing life, the only thing they’ll want from you is more enabling. Give people the tools, and not just the solutions, and let them get to work. Invest in people wisely so you can help them and not hurt them.